Tuesday, January 1, 2019

What new year?

Oh, yeah, it's January 1st, the fresh start of a new annum. Time to make resolutions and try to be a better person and all that. For those following the Gregorian calendar.

Me, I've chosen a different time path. I've decided to observe the pataphysical calendar, as proposed by French writer Alfred Jarry. Pataphysics, as defined by Jarry, the founder, is "the science of imaginary solutions."  It is the philosophy that "the virtual or imaginary nature of things as glimpsed by the heightened vision of poetry or science or love can be seized and lived as real."

Well, given that, I'd say Jarry, pictured here, seems as good an arbiter of time as anyone.

We pataphysicists had our new year back in your September, starting with the month of "Absolu". As you can see, we are now in the month of  "Décervelage "or Debraining.  (Hmmmm..........)

Pataphysical year
Absolu8 September5 OctoberAbsolute
Haha6 October2 NovemberHa Ha
As3 November30 NovemberSkiff
Sable1 December28 DecemberSand or heraldic black
Décervelage29 December25 JanuaryDebraining
Gueules26 January22/23 FebruaryHeraldic red or gob
Pédale23/24 February22 MarchBicycle pedal
Clinamen23 March19 AprilSwerve
Palotin20 April17 MayUbu's henchmen
Merdre18 May14 JunePshit
Gidouille15 June13 JulySpiral
Tatane14 July10 AugustShoe or being worn out
Phalle11 August7 SeptemberPhallus


  1. Nope
    Got nothin'
    I tried to so some research on this and my brain fell out.
    I can't even come close to getting this
    ALthough, I am intrigued...how did you come to find this and is there any significance to this in relation to real life?

  2. oh my god again! I want to cry! I love this idea, well, I dunno about the calendar, but well, hell! Why not!? However, I especially love the definition and philosophy. I'm down, way down. I'm so down, I'm up!

  3. H.B., don't be hard on yourself. Pataphysics takes time. Perhaps one day you will understand and join pataphysicists everywhere during the feast days of Ha ha. I discovered this through an intermittent dilettantent process of lucid transastral osmosis and yes, it has everything to do with real life.

  4. Peri----You're so down, you're up! Welcome to pataphysics!!
