Friday, January 11, 2019

Snow's A'Comin'

Gas up the car. Run to the store. Stock up on vittles. Buy wine. Buy brandy. Lay in supplies. Gather kindling. Cord some wood. Pull a muscle. Curse and yell. Throw the ax at a squirrel. Hurry inside. Clean off your boots. Bring in the dog. Batten down the hatches. Lock 'er up tight. Squirrel family's outside. Crank up the furnace. Fire up the stove. Put on a sweater. Put on another. Nuke some soup. Make hot some chocolate. Whip some cream. Pop some corn. Fetch blankets from the attic. Shake them out, in case of spiders. In case of brown recluse spiders. Which you do not want to fool with. Unplug the computer. Unplug all devices. Secure with duct tape. Check the batteries. Dig out the candles. Secure with duct tape. Check for weather updates.

Ah, too late. It's HERE.

Saturday Update:

No power. No heat. No hot shower. No hot coffee. No hope.

Just more snow on the way......

Future blog posts to come:

Burning furniture, The warmth of alcohol, Tea lights!---a new way to cook, Tea lights--a useless source of clutter, Dog fur is meant to be shared, Where are all the candles, why do I have so many tea lights?, Refrigerator roulette (this is still okay to eat, right?), Oops, should have bought more matches, Oops, shouldn't have eaten that salmon, When darkness falls.

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