Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Fall Finds

Crow ---my favorite new fall accessory 

Pumpkin patch coordinates

His and his knits for the.. lady-killers? They're man-fashioned!

Dope jackets. And the badass tribe they come with 

Old painter --a seasonal classic  

Tuesday, October 1, 2019

Hail, October!

Yes!-- Hail, October!

In welcoming this glorious and best of all months, I bring you the words of my sister Laura, who  recently paid tribute to the month and to its true meaning, the feast of the Goddess MoneSim. Her tribute pleases me, for it rightfully recognizes my true nature and place in the cosmos. For this IS my month of increasing power! And I, MoneSim, I smile upon all who know this!    

As one of the Dual Goddesses of October, it also pleases me to join and magnify with my sister Goddess ZanneSu, whose name sounds like both a goddess and an alien female ruler on a Star Trek episode, and to revel this month in her feast day as well as my own! 

As you celebrate October, may the winds of autumn dance with you as nakedly as the forest nymphs dance with me!

From my sister Laura:

Today is the first day of October, the month of many changes. 

Presided over by the spirit of the Great-GrandNana, CellaMar, October begins the evolution of summer to winter, light to dark, salad to soup. 

 On the 7th day, October brings us the feast of the Goddess MoneSim, whose powers can be called upon to conjure up uncommon joys, such as dancing forest nymphs, pumpkin beer, and good parking spaces. The power of this Goddess is magnified when it joins with those of the Goddess ZanneSu, whose feast day is October 16.

From then until the end of the month, the Dual Goddesses will smile over the homes and families of the Fortunate Ones who share a direct lineage with them. Hail, October!, and hail, MoneSim, ZanneSu, and of course, CellaMar.