Winter Beer Report - What I'm Drinkin'


Best beer for these dark, frigid nights (and days!) is Northern Lights IPA from Free State Brewery, based in Lawrence, Kansas. It's crisp and bright as the snow beneath the aurora borealis. But I'm concerned that it's a seasonal beer and the supply won't get us to spring. I implore Free State Brewery to keep production going at least until we're no longer seeing our breath.  

My other beer in the rotation, is John Brown Ale, also from Free State. A badass brew named after a badass dude, which is just the thing to down alongside hearty winter fare like bierocks and dumpling soup. It's a limited release though and my stock is getting low. The good news is there is another winter beer on the way....

Free State's website says this is coming soon to a beer cooler near me. Well I need something to look forward to. The blue, wrinkled troll on the front of the can bears an uncanny resemblence to me in the wintertime.


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