Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Happy Birthday Aunt Virginia! You're No Fool!

"I wish we could do what they do in Katroo. They sure know how to say "Happy Birthday to You!"

“Today you are You, that is truer than true. There is no one alive who is Youer than You.”

Shout "I am ME! I am I!"


  1. Happy Birthday Simone's Aunt Virginia!

  2. what a great way to mark aunt v.'s birthday. and ditto. (must revisit dr. seuss) we love you, virginia crabtree!

  3. If you are going to revisit Seuss, I highly recommend this book. It is probably my favorite Seuss book. It is wonderful---a parade of celebratory delights that are seeming without end, and the tone reflects the joy and wonder of a child's birthday. I still like to read it for me.
