Saturday, October 31, 2009

Happy Halloween!


  1. It's Terry Jones on Monty Python, playing the organ for a game show called "Blackmail." Scandalous photos are partially shown and the guilty parties have to telephone in within minutes to say they're willing to pay whatever the amount is, to avoid having their names and the full photos shown.

  2. well, i was gonna say "there are no words",,but periodical curiosity summed it up better! i swear that sign over the piano says blackman,,NOT blackmail. was terry jones a midget? what are the faint etching-like figures splattered over the picture? why don't i see any pepperpot costumes on here???!! p.s...happy birthday to roger!

  3. Ha! Funny! I see him now! I haven't seen that much of Monty Python, but I know I love what I have seen. Those lads are genius!

  4. Those faint figures on the picture are to keep people like me from using the photo. I tried to find a version of the photo that didn't have those etchings on it, but it was blurrier and more distorted, and I wanted the expression on Terry Jones' face to come through. So I said what the heck, and used this picture.
