Friday, December 16, 2022

The Friggin Longest-Ass Nights of the Year Zone



  1. Yeah. Well, you could be living up here where we get about 15-20 minutes less daylight We call it "The Twilighter Zone"

  2. Twilighter is right. I hear tell there are some crazies up your way who go running in 20 degree weather . Must be some cognitive impairments brought on by the lack of sunlight!

  3. Crazy,,,maybe. But it seems that if one was to run west, it would serve to extend the daylight by amount of time

  4. True. Or one could just DRIVE west ---go farther faster and get even more daylight. Though I suppose the runner is extending not just the daylight but his lifespan, which amounts to even MORE daylight, so there is that......
