Saturday, December 26, 2020

Defective Christmas Card

Just wrong. Everyone knows Santa says either "Merry Christmas" or "Ho ho ho".  The card company took the thousand or so of these that got printed straight to the shredder.   


  1. I can't imagine that this dude is so one-dimensional that he's only good for merry's and ho's. Agreed that, as a Christmas card, this might be problematic. But as a general purpose greeting card, "Hello" seems appropriate. I wonder if they ever tried selling these outside the holiday window?

  2. I don't think you could give these away outside Christmas. Folks want Santa to stay in his lane and not attempt any cross-overs. And for that same reason we can't have Santa straying beyond the traditional merry's and ho's. If Santa comes up and says hello to you, what's next? Him asking "How are you?" Then you'll be obliged to reciprocate, and all of a sudden Santa's bending your ear about elf trouble and digestive complaints and sleep deprivation...then questioning the whole gift delivery racket, and on to re-evaluating his very existence. It's a slippery slope. Best for everyone's sake to keep Santa one dimensional.
