Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Shopping for Rocks

When I go out to Ness I shop for rocks. I take walks on a dirt road outside of town that is a veritable geologic bazaar! Rocks of every size and color on display, scattered along the roadway.

I'm always amazed at how often merchandise is refreshed out there. There always seem to be new specimens that I didn't see on previous trips. Where do the rocks come from? Who re-stocks them?

 After my last shopping excursion in early October I spread the rocks out on mom's porch to examine my haul.   


These are rocks I had previously put on layaway. By layaway I mean I pried them out of the ground and dumped them all in one spot for safe-keeping until I could make it back to Ness another time.
Later when I returned, they were still out there, waiting for me to claim them. So I loaded them up in the car and drove them back across Kansas to be used in my (theoretical) rock garden. 



  2. Wow, those are next-level rock collectors! I tip my hat! I'm impressed NASA managed to keep those moon samples under wraps all these years. Stone cold cool!

  3. I need a t-shirt saying that, with an image of moon rock samples!
