Saturday, September 8, 2018

Shopping in Simpler Times

What wares are these two guys peddlin'?  Who can tell? Or is it the two guys that are for sale? Today this storefront would be derided for its sloppy branding, but the starkness of the sign intrigues me and draws me in. I want to get out of my car and see what this store is about! Maybe it's not a store at all but a front for a bookie operation and the "proprietors" forgot they had to at least pretend no one suspects what they're really up to. "Yeah yeah, we're a dry-goods store. Sure we are. Hey Mickey over there....we sell dry goods don't we? Yeah that's right, Guido. Dry goods. Just two guys sellin' dry goods, tryin' to make a lousy buck.  No funny business here."    


  1. Yeah...and they probably had to pretend that there was nothing rolled up in that carpet that is being hauled away...right in front of our noses.

  2. Ha!! I had to look this up. The name sounds like something from now, but obviously the cars or 70s or early 80s. Kinda interesting story. This is their tag line-- "We Save Money For You, Naturally"

  3. Wow, it is an interesting story! I just found this random photo--had no idea of the history.
