Friday, January 29, 2010

Big Toe Moon

Tonight's full moon will be the biggest and brightest full moon of the year. It will be about 14 percent wider and 30 percent brighter than the other moons to follow, like a big toe compared to little toe moons. According to Native American lore, this moon is known as "Lalawethika" or "big toe poking through moccasion of the night sky."

Actually, that's a load of hooey. They really called it the Wolf Moon, because of the way the wolves would howl at the moon on a cold winter's night.

The names they gave the moon for the rest of the year are listed below. No fooling.

February is the Full Snow Moon. Or Hunger Moon, since the snow made hunting difficult.

March is the Full Worm Moon. Because the ground softens and the earthworms reappear, inviting the return of robins. Other tribes named it the Full Crow Moon, the Full Crust Moon (snow cover becoming crusted from thawing by day and freezing at night), and the Full Sap Moon.

April is the Pink Moon, also known as the Full Sprouting Grass Moon, the Egg Moon, or the Full Fish Moon, in coastal areas.

May is the Full Flower Moon. Also known as the Full Corn Planting Moon or the Milk Moon.

June is the Full Strawberry Moon. Europeans called this the Rose Moon.

July is the Full Buck Moon, because the buck deer are growing antlers. Also called the Full Thunder Moon or the Full Hay Moon.

August is the Full Sturgeon Moon. also called the Green Corn Moon or Grain Moon.

September is the Full Harvest Moon.

October is the Full Hunters' Moon.

November is the Full Beaver Moon. Also called the Frosty Moon.

December is the Full Cold Moon. Sometimes this moon is referred to as the Full Long Nights Moon .


  1. wouldnt that make it a "to-peka" moon?? har har har

  2. I know. After I posted this, I realized I had just recycled that tired old joke. Yeah, it's a Topeka moon.
