Monday, September 10, 2007

Ode To A Hoky German Rock Band

Gamma Ray from Hamburg, Germany

Gamma Ray, oh Gamma Ray Band
your concept is so edgy,
your image so start-a-linggg
your lead singer is so frightening
you're blowin' my mind

Gamma Ray, oh Gamma Ray band
your guitars are like lasers
your stage effects are awesome, man
but why you only tour in Japan?
cuz no one plays your records here

Gamma Ray, oh Gamma Ray Band
your chords all sound the same
you have big gamma rays painted on your van
I think that I'm your only fan
but you are rock and roll, man


  1. Gamma Ray, huh? I bet Rammstein rocks harder! ;) Heavy Metal Rules!
    p.s. I like your ode and the photo is x-ray plus beta ray.
