Morning Glory Man

Then he handed me a packet of flower seeds, and I took them. I thought, "Now, that's alright! That is an okay little PR stunt. Who can argue with flowers?" It put a smile on my face.
But then as I glanced at the seed packet, I saw that he had handed me morning glory seeds, and my smile got even bigger. Morning glory seeds are known in some circles for their psychoactive qualities. They contain an alkaloid called R-lysergic and D-isolysergic acids. The acids are similar to ingredients found in LSD.
Indians in the 16th century called them ololiugui and ingested them for their hallucinogenic effects. Hippies in the 60's did the same, and apparently teenagers still turn to the seed when they want a legal psychedelic high. Garden stores have reported teenagers and college students coming in and buying up packets of morning glory seeds, and some stores have taken to monitoring any suspicious seed-buying activity.
So I sat in traffic, chuckling over the morning glory man, out there pushing his morning glory seeds.
Another plant we'll have to ban, I guess...
ReplyDeleteOh, if you go down that road I guess you'd need to ban nutmeg too. Supposedly high doses of it can cause hallucinations as well. Who knew?
ReplyDeleteAre you supposed to eat the seeds or plant them and then eat the flowers?
ReplyDeleteI don't know too much about it, but I'm pretty sure you consume the seeds directly. Mash them into a fine paste or something.
ReplyDeleteNot sure, might want to boil those seeds first. Some varieties of these magic seeds are mildly toxic if ingested raw. I'll tell you how I know sometime, if you ask. Anyhoo, you might want to do a little research first.
ReplyDeleteOh yeah! Loves it! ;)
ReplyDeleteOkay, Marc, I'm asking.
ReplyDeleteAh, well, back in the day...