Election Day!

This morning a little after 6:00 am, I went to the Congregation Kol Ami, a synagogue up the street, to vote. The line went all the way back to the front entrance. A few hours later I went to a campaign post in Kansas City, Kansas, to make phone calls for the Obama campaign. We called voters in Wisconsin to remind them to vote and give them their polling locations. I was calling places like Oshkosh and Sheboygan. Most people weren't home, so I would leave a message with the address of their polling place, which often included the word Sheboygan, as in the Sheboygan Community Center. I really liked saying the word Sheboygan. That was the funnest part of the whole morning. I entertained the idea of trying to affect a Wisconsin accent on some of those messages, but didn't want them to think I was making fun of them. It was wild to know that some of these people would come home and hear MY voice on their answering machines. Whoa.
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