Sun Harvesting


On warm autumn days I spend a lot of time lying around outside. What some would call being idle. But I am actually harvesting the sun and collecting it for later. You're welcome. I'm like the field mouse in the book "Frederick" by Leo Lionni. When the other mice thought he was being lazy, he patiently explained, "I do work. I gather sun rays for the cold winter days. I gather colors, for winter is gray." Another time they dissed him for dozing. "Are you dreaming Frederick?" they asked reproachfully. "Oh no," he replied. "I'm gathering words. For the winter days are long and many and we'll run out of things to say."

And he proved it to them that winter by painting their gray minds with the "bright colors of blue periwinkles, the red poppies in the yellow wheat, and the green leaves of the berry bush."

Now if you'll excuse me, I have to get back to more word gathering. (Zzzzz.....)



Random Old Baloney

Insert whomping good organ music here.

It's Not Just a Physical Thing

Our essence is spirit. Our existence----boundless.

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