Day Of My Increasing Power

Is today my birthday? Without a doubt. Do I look half my age? Without a doubt. Are people born in October more special than other people? Without a doubt. Am I exciting and stimulating to all who encounter me? Without a doubt. Am I becoming more physically attractive with each passing year? Without a doubt. Am I an undiscovered genius, unappreciated in her own time? Without a doubt. Am I too wonderful and rare and unique to be expected to play by society's rules? Without a doubt.
I do feel special today. Without a doubt, this day shines with significance. My sister Suzanne said in an e-mail that I'd made yet another trip around the sun. I like that. I've made 47 revolutions around the sun, on this earth ride. How many more to go? Once I leave this sun orbit, is it possible I'll move on to another star and begin a new orbit? No one really knows. The whole set-up--being born, watching our bodies change, wear out, then leaving again--is surreal. I think of babies as arriving with these huge souls that have to be squashed down into their squirmy, infant bodies. Or more likely, the human body can't possibly contain our souls. People talk about having an out-of-body experience, in which they are aware they have bodies but are separated from them. I think of our human existence as an out-of-soul experience. We spend our whole lives trying to get back to it. Once in awhile, something makes me feel like I'm back in my soul, before I pop out again.
Tucked away in some file, I have a certificate of recognition, given to me on this day. A certificate just for agreeing to come here! Everyone gets one when they come. Some people even get a gold foil stamped seal. Mine was issued in 1963 and looks like it was created using some crude microfilm technology. The paper is thin and fragile and the crucial facts are recorded in white text on a black background. Certificate of Live Birth, it says.
Tucked away in some file, I have a certificate of recognition, given to me on this day. A certificate just for agreeing to come here! Everyone gets one when they come. Some people even get a gold foil stamped seal. Mine was issued in 1963 and looks like it was created using some crude microfilm technology. The paper is thin and fragile and the crucial facts are recorded in white text on a black background. Certificate of Live Birth, it says.
Wouldn't it be interesting if the certificate marked our entrance in astronomical terms? "This document certifies that the earth being named Simone commenced her first solar orbit within the Galaxy known as The Milky Way on the 280th day of the earth's rotation, October 7, 1963, which is henceforth to be known as the Day of Her Increasing Power.
without a doubt...we are glad you agreed to come for a visit! happy boithday.
ReplyDeleteextremely well-written, dahling.
ReplyDeletebecause of that, i will let the whole thing about being more special because you are "born in october" slide. for now.
I am waiting to hear Space Alien's opinion about your solar orbits!
ReplyDeleteI too, am anticipating a response from Outer Space Alien. Probably mocking the fact that I am limited to slow, solar orbits.
ReplyDeleteI miss home planet. We planet celebration and imbibe of the goobu juice when Simone Unit has orbit around star.
ReplyDeletetime for a new post, mony. your day of increasing power (so humble, you) is OVER!! and now it's nearing the day of real importance. is it a coincidence that the eldest (and wisest) sister's birthday falls on "bosses day" AND "sweetest day"?? i think not.
ReplyDeleteoh lawsy. i think we all know who the special one is. moi!!
ReplyDeleteBut does Outer Space Alien imbibe the goobu juice on the completion of your orbit? I am so special that even beings on other planets celebrate my birthday.
ReplyDeleteYes, Outer Space Alien, yours must be a wise race. I am gratified to know you follow my big circle around the sun. The Simone Unit thanks you.