Minimize Talking! It's a Polar Vortex!

It doth dive, it doth plungeth, the vortex of the Poles! Wind chills are below zero. Fros…

Hypothermia Kit

Thinking of venturing out into the cold? Don't leave home without our Hypothermia Kit   -…

A New Year ---Choose Your Adventure

This planning questionnaire will help you set goals and make 2019 the year of your dreams! F…

What I Googled while the power was out

Mr. Heater A powerful snow storm rolled in last weekend and knocked the power out. I sat i…

Snow's A'Comin'

Gas up the car. Run to the store. Stock up on vittles. Buy wine. Buy brandy. Lay in supplies.…

Late Night Stand-Off With a Spider

Well I had to kill it. There was no way I could go to bed and leave THIS THING intact and in ro…

Chakra meditation with the Queen of England

Meditation Leader:    To prepare ourselves, your Highness, we shall take a deep breath.......t…

What new year?

Oh, yeah, it's January 1st, the fresh start of a new annum. Time to make resolutions and try t…

Random Old Baloney

Insert whomping good organ music here.

It's Not Just a Physical Thing

Our essence is spirit. Our existence----boundless.

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