Welcome October!

It's October! October is here! My month of increasing power!

Inexplicable powers, including possibly the power to levitate while pogoing one-handed, as the woman on the right appears to be doing, and even ---gasp! ---wearing loud shades of red and yellow together!  

You may wonder, how does the month of October make my power increase? It's beyond explanation. It's quantum. I think quarks are involved. The charm and strange quarks, most likely. See chart below showing the standard model of particle physics. The charm and strange quarks are marked with a C and S, respectively.    

Fun fact: the Strange quark was first suspected as existing in 1963, the year of my birth, when it was proposed in a theory by Murray Gell-Mann working at Cal-Tech. Coincidence? I think not. 

The whole thing is too complex to explain, but it's something to the effect that when I was born within the month of October the particular climactic geodynamics present at that time left a template, as it were, within my DNA, and that gets activtated when the month comes around and creates an energetic field around me of unknowable, I mean infinite potentialities. (The fact that they are also often unrealized potentialities is besides the point!)

Suffice it to say, my power increases. I feel it singing through my veins. From the first crack of dawn, when I only need to hit my snooze button four times, instead of the customary twelve, before slowly sliding (inching) my way out of bed, to the last owl hoot at night, I am filled with an energy that is  indescribable and to the casual observer, unverifable, but it's there. Oh, it's there. 

And just what shall I do with this burgeoning power? That shall stay as much a mystery as the origins of this power, but rest assured I will use it for the good. 

Unlike some people.....




Random Old Baloney

Insert whomping good organ music here.

It's Not Just a Physical Thing

Our essence is spirit. Our existence----boundless.

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