Holy smoke. This is the way I remember it. How ours looked, in the back yard, behind the elm tree, next to the alley. A burn barrel. My brother Marc reminded me recently, that we used to burn our trash. It was his job for awhile. I think I remember the way it smelled. Did we have a burn barrel like this, or am I just blowing smoke out my bottom?
i remember a barrel, to be sure. don't remember any burning, but i am also sure that there was burning going on. so...what brought this to your mind, monie?
ReplyDeleteWe had one! It was in the back yard next to the alley. Yes, it was MY job to burn the trash. Hee hee, it was so much fun!
ReplyDeleteheck yeah we had one - at least that's how i remember it too. to have the HONOR of lighting the trash - well it was a duty that wasn't taken lightly. it MEANT something. those were the days....you may also recall that the alley was dirt, and there was a deep ditch that filled with water when it rained - good times!!
ReplyDeleteWhen Marc and I were out at mom's, he mentioned how we used to burn the trash. He also reminded me --I had forgotten --that there was some giant burn container over at the Industrial Arts building, where they used to burn the school's trash. I'm trying to picture it, but can't quite recall it. But didn't we used to climb inside it?
ReplyDeleteye gods i hope not!! i don't remember it
ReplyDeleteremember the first pep rally of fall, when we burned our opponent's (Wakeeny) coach (or mascot) in effigy? Do they still do that? It happened right across the alley from our back yard -- yeah, one of the many bennies of our location (kindergarten monkey bars, etc)
ReplyDeleteLaura I think I still have a picture of you standing behind the big trash barrel at the Industrial Arts Building at night. It is glowing with an eerie glow. I think you must have been about 10 or 11.
ReplyDeleteI wanna see that picture!!! Can you scan it and send it?
ReplyDeletei remember the pep rally, mich. and way back when,,they used to have a "snake dance"...the cheerleaders led it off,,and everyone would hold hands and darn near run downtown. i don't think we were allowed to go, and then when we WERE old enough, they did away with the whole thing.
ReplyDeletei know not of this!! mich, i almost mentioned the "dummy burn" which went along with the pep rally and snake dance. remember? first, everyone met at the high school, then did a snake dance all the way down town, or wherever, then the pep rally, then the DUMMY BURN!! they had to stop those around the time i got into HS. no more burning in the city limits. plus nowadays it would probably be considered heinous and/or bad sportsmanship!!!
ReplyDeleteI remember the snake dances. I was so jealous, watching them. I wanted to be a part of it. Somehow mom took me to see it, either we watched them leave from the school, or we followed them in the car...I don't remember. But I think by the time I got to high school, they weren't doing the snake dance anymore. At least one year we sat on a trailer that went downtown. Oh, why are the memories so foggy and unclear?