On the eve of my birthday --Renaissance Festival!!
What better way to spend the eve of my birthday than to stroll the grounds of the Kansas City Renaissance Festival. I love Ren Fest! So many colorful sights, smells, and characters!
Just your run-of-the-mill jester.

Aw, this fresh-faced young lad walked right into me camera, which I did wantonly shoot, brazen wench that I am.
Fire people! Doing dangerous and reckless things with fire! I took many pictures.
This woman's strange rigging of hoopage and fabric scraps did not slow her down.
Just your run-of-the-mill jester.

Another period dude. Too old to wear tights like the younger guys.
Aw, this fresh-faced young lad walked right into me camera, which I did wantonly shoot, brazen wench that I am.
Lilah and her boyfriend George, atop a camel
Fire people! Doing dangerous and reckless things with fire! I took many pictures.
A group of Elizabethan minstrels. They asked if we had any requests. Oh sure, sure. I knew all the hits back in the 1500's.
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