Football finally grows a hair Simone Sunday, September 30, 2012 Let your freak flag fly, dude! I don't pay much attention to the NFL. Football seasons… Read more
Yes, I'm judging you -- I have a right to. (How I've come to have less guilt, more shoes.) Simone Friday, September 28, 2012 They say you can't judge a man until you walk a mile in his shoes. Or a woman --though I'… Read more
How the 80s got me hooked on second-hand and vintage. Simone Thursday, September 20, 2012 Soon it will be time to return to the thrift stores. It’s a fall kind of thing with me. A t… Read more
New Pee Wee Refrigerator Magnet! Simone Friday, September 14, 2012 It's about time I had one of these up on the ol' icebox again! Read more
Tornado Drill! Just like that winter is turning to spring and in Kansas that means one thing -- let the tornado drills begin! Kansas i… Keep reading
My Favorite Type of Storm Long live the brainstorm! I say this on behalf of cerebrums everywhere, while we're still allowed to have independ… Keep reading
Polar Vortex Cometh C'est ici--another polar vortex. The arctic chill deepens in this endless winter. I look out and I see only gray.… Keep reading
Random Acts Of Canineness Galloping horses couldn't have surprised us more. In one wooosh the canine had bounded across the room and ONTO THE… Keep reading
Is It Time To Get Started On Those Collateral Vessels? Everyone knows that the heart is a muscle. But who wants to dwell on it? I am well aware that my heart --progenitor and… Keep reading