Burl's Pearl's -- Burl Ives' Surprising Oeuvre
Tis the season for everything Burl Ives. As the Burl Ives My Ass Coalition (BIMAC) launches its predictable boycott against holiday favorites like "Holly Jolly Christmas", let us more high-minded folk celebrate the legacy left behind by America's best-loved entertainer. What better place to start than Burl Ives' prolific catalog of song and verse, as captured on these stunning discs of vinyl. Some of them may surprise you. This is Burl, as you've never seen him before.

A departure from his regular Christmas fare, this collection is widely regarded as his "psychedelic" album. Conceived and recorded during his experimentation with hallucinogens.
The album cover that BIMAC doesn't want you to see. BIMAC's anti-Burl propoganda doesn't stand a chance against such heart-warming collections as these.

Burl released this album in anticipation of the mockery he'd later receive. He followed it up with "Funny way of Singin' ", "Funny Way of Talkin' ", "Funny Way of Dressin' " and "Funny Way of Burpin' "

This confusing studio effort earned mixed reviews. Burl Ives sings and narrates quasi-Biblical stories about all God's creatures in a salty seadog vernacular, pausing frequently to puff on his pipe and curse a blue streak.

A departure from his regular Christmas fare, this collection is widely regarded as his "psychedelic" album. Conceived and recorded during his experimentation with hallucinogens.
Oh god thank you! Yes! I'm laughing and I wish I were you. I love that you love Burl Ives--this is frickin fantastic! Also, big ups to the abominable snowman--I love him too.
ReplyDeleteOh God, I am laughing on my ass.
ReplyDeleteWhat would the world be without Burl?
BURL Barrels
BURL from Ipanema
So Kansas longhair, you are laughing on your ass instead of laughing your ass off??? Does this mean you have a second ass expanding on top of your original one? That is a case known as "burly-ass" or "add-assity."
ReplyDeleteYes, with the Christmas season and all the junk available to eat, I am adding a second ass on top of my first. I know Burl would be proud of me if he were only here today.
ReplyDeleteBIMAC must be crushed at all costs, and I plan to crush it under my ass.
there are no words.....mainly because i can't stop laughing!
ReplyDeleteWELL. i can see that the gauntlet was tossed and i was nowhere in sight when this TRAVESTY of Fat Man Love ensued. let me just say that this is typical of members of the B.I.L.G.E. SOCIETY (Burl Ives Lovers Glorification & Edification) to waste valuable webspace extolling the non-existent virtues of a fat dude who can't sing and whose songs embody a vanilla-sugar counter-culture world where everyone is golly jolly yippeddy dee doo dah and nobody would know a real musical moment if it crawled up and bit them on the ass!
ReplyDeleteThank GOD for BIMAC and its members, who, by the way, do not have time to stop and swoon and get all dewey-eyed over a guy who never had a lick of talent and who is at the same talent level as SLIM WHITMAN and BOXCAR WILLIE.
Oh my god I am laughing so hard right now I'm going to split my pants. You are a little late to the game, LL, but that is well and good as you have brought some cheer to this gloomy January day with your amusing little rant. I will have you know that you are confusing B.I.L.G.E., which is a defunct and discredited organization, with B.L.I.T.H.E. (Burl's Legacy Is Treasured, Honored and Enduring.)
ReplyDeleteBoxcar Willie rules!!!